Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Central Kenya

We took a trip to the Highlands last weekend. My favorite part was the tea farm. I learned a lot about tea production in general, and also how it is traded/sold here in Kenya. Here are some of my thoughts while there:

If I didn't know any better, I would think I was in Great Britain's countryside.

If I were a bunny, I would live here too.

Crisp--both describing the air and the color green

I want a tea farm.

We ended up staying at a hotel called Hotel Starbucks. The name was great but the disco inside was not. I think there was a dance club above my room and below it. And it sounded like the party was in my room all night. I am traveling with ear plugs next time around. Especially since when we went 'camping' two weekends ago, there was a big carnival at the campgrounds with loud music until way late. That noise sure drowned out any possible nature sounds!

Here is my hotel key and the view outside my window of the busy market:

We could also see Mount Kenya. It is far craggier than Mt. Kilimanjaro.

We stopped by a rice field on the way home. Some people had never seen rice growing before. One of the girls attempted to get a four leaf clover for a friend who ended up at the hospital (tonsilitis but is home now and doing better!). Unfortunately, she managed to fall in a rice paddy and get very wet and muddy. But she succeeded in getting the four leaf clover! And then none of the Kenyans could understand how it was lucky.

I gave a presentation in Swahili class today about Swahili proverbs. I will leave you with the most famous one: Haraka, haraka; haina baraka which means there is no blessing in hurrying.

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