Tuesday, February 09, 2010

A Dinner Party and A Great Revolution

A Great Revolution about 6 times. Four times in a row and then later, twice in a row.

But wait, are you familiar with the game, the Great Dalmuti?

This game is awesome. I got hooked while traveling around Kenya. I have memories of playing this game on a beach cabin porch while I watched very large baboons sit just a few feet away from us, scratching their blue balls. I don't think I will ever get that image out of my head.

But this dinner party. I hosted for a number of good college friends. Fish tacos with mango salsa. yum. It's a rare thing to get us all together these days. In fact, we had to schedule like two months out. Made that evening that much more enjoyable, simply to have time together.

But the revolutions. So after dinner, we busted out some games. This particular game is all about hierarchy. From the lesser peon to the Great Dalmuti. However, if a low person on the hierarchy happens to get the equivalent of the 2 jesters, a Great Revolution takes place! All roles are reversed and power dynamics are turned on its head! Only thing is, a Great Revolution is super rare. You know, with the odds and stuff.

So now imagine 4 Great Revolutions happening in a row. Because it did. True story! By the time someone exclaimed "Oh, my god!" the fourth time, we groaned because it was just too unbelievable. And because it meant we all had to play musical chairs yet again. :)

If that isn't weird enough, after two more rounds, two more Great Revolutions happened in a row. Bizarre.

The mathematician in our group tried to sort out the probability-busted out the excel spreadsheet and all! We never quite got it figured out, but we know we beat the odds by something ridiculous like 1:3million. Not only that it happened so many times, but also that it was sequential. And I promise, it had nothing to do with the dealing!

So yeah, a dinner party and multiple Great Revolutions that beat incredible odds. Maybe it would be dangerous if we were able to all get together more than once every two months. :)

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