Wednesday, December 02, 2009

We won! Among other things

Huskies won the Apple Cup (the big rivalry). 30-0. There is something fascinating about mob mentality and how it is appropriate in the context of sports. The exhilarating feel of being part of a crazed screaming mass of people, literally feeling the pulse of the mob. I mean, when else is it ok to yell "Kill Him!" although still metaphorically. :)

Plus it was just great to hang out with old college friends I rarely see anymore. Thanks, G, for the Christmas gift!

Other exciting news:

I found the pair of red shoes I have been looking for! The exact matte shade of red. Need to break them in still, but I am just happy looking at them laying on my floor

I am going on a cruise for New Years. (!) Yes, really and it is going to be awesome. It's pretty much the exact opposite type of vacationing and traveling I normally do, but I think that is partly why it will be awesome. I couldn't help but get the giggles when the "Vacation Cruise Specialist" started listing all the things included on the cruise, after hearing I had never been on one before. But it is only a four day cruise as I think that is pretty much all I can handle at this point. But I am sad that I lost my favorite swimsuit. I could have sworn that I packed it when leaving Africa! But it has never surfaced and I think I really have to accept that it won't at this point. A four day cruise doesn't seem reason enough to buy a new suit though, so I guess I will just drag out an old one that I think is ugly but probably no one else cares.

Christmas trees! I get to decorate two this week!

On a not exciting note: I need to finish 4 projects/papers before I am finished with the quarter. It's a little sad that one side of my bed is permanently invaded by books. Lots of them.

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