Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My YouTube Debut!

Not sure why the video below is not showing the whole frame but you can click on it to go to YouTube directly and view it in full frame.

I attended a reception for the UW Center for Human Rights (a co-sponsor for the art show) and met a photographer/videographer for the UW College of Arts and Sciences. Very unexpectedly, I was interviewed about the project and partnership we have with the Ngecha Artist Association. I admit, it's hard not to be critical of myself when viewing the clip, but for something so spontaneous, I guess it's not bad! Definitely need to move less while on camera though. But I suppose there is good reason why some people never leave the house without makeup and hair done. You just never know who or what you may come across! Unlike me that day, in the middle of finals, meaning pretty much no makeup.

The College is also advertising the event on their homepage here and say they will post the video on their website in the near future too.

The dean's office has also taken an interest and I was interviewed over the phone while shopping at Trader Joes for a piece to be included on their website and newsletter. Hopefully this interest and recognition will lead to something good!

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