Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Story about How I Lost and Then Found My Phone

I should be getting a new phone right now but the Husky game can tend to make it difficult for me to get around. Especially since I am listening to the Dawgs lose right now and I am sure people are already leaving and there is traffic.

Why do I need a new phone? Because it was run over by a car. Probably multiple cars.

About a week ago, I could not find my phone or Husky card (student id and expensive transportation pass) when I got home. I knew I had them on me when I was on the bus, so I figured they fell out of my pocket while I am was on the bus.

The next day, I repeatedly called the King County Metro system. I am glad there are multiple customer service people that work there and a different one spoke to me each time. Otherwise, I am sure I would have been incredibly annoying. But my things never surfaced.

That evening as I was walking to my car from the bus, I happened to see a piece of smashed plastic in the middle of the street--and then gasped when I realized it was a piece of my phone! Apparently my items had fallen out of my pocket when I got off the bus and I didn't know it. I picked up my destroyed phone piece and dejectedly started shuffling around the street, kicking leaves, trying to find other parts of my phone, especially the SIM card! A lady happened to walk by and asked if I was ok and if I needed help. In a daze, I responded ", not really." She then responded, "Oh, are you just like this?" The woman thought I was crazy! I told her "No!" and held up the remains of my phone. After she walked on, however, I sat on the curb and laughed and cried at the same time, therefore actually looking like a crazy person.

I did happen to find my Husky card though. Also very run over, but still usable!

I have lost all my phone numbers. Shoot. I think I may just upgrade all the way this time around though when it comes to a new handpiece. :)

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