Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week of Goodbyes

The program is ending. Lots of events this week. And goodbyes.

We had a big potluck today and invited the families of all the people involved in our program. It was really fun to meet the families of our drivers, and others. In good African party style, we had a "program" with speeches and a presentation of our thank you gifts. Oh, and lots of pictures were taken. But I wasn't really in a picture taking mood. So I just smiled for a lot of other pictures.

Here, our driver, P, wanted a picture with the "tall girls." He posed in a certain way for every picture. So when it was our turn, we struck a P pose and made him break his. :)

We also had a farewell dinner and invited all our work supervisors. More nyama choma (grilled goat) but maybe the best I've had so far! Here I am with my field supervisor from the Kenya Human Rights Commission, M.

We went back to Ngesha to finish our paintings with the artists and also bring all the art pieces back with us! We will be bringing 130 pieces back with us. So many gorgeous pieces. We walked around the community in order to better understand their daily lives. Along the way, many people wanted pictures, like this woman:

Fortunately, I don't have to say bye to these girls! They have been my roommates here in Nairobi, and now my partners in this art project.

And here we are with the artists, and now our friends, with our finished collaborative pieces!

This much closer to coming home! And I am excited to bring back a part of my Kenya experience that was so beautiful and meaningful to me.

1 comment:

abbs said...

I'm sorry your program is ending but I'm glad that you're that much closer to coming home! Muah!