Thursday, August 20, 2009

Human Rights Conference

The study abroad program received a UW provost grant which allowed us to host a human rights conference. It was pretty incredible. The idea was to bring human rights practitioners together and reflect on the human rights movement itself--looking internally, rather than externally which is most common. We also examined how to marry theory and practice. The prominent people that were all there in one room was pretty incredible. The weirdest part for me was seeing MY name on the same program page with these famous Kenyans. I was asked to give the final "thank you" speech and for some reason, my name was the only student name included of those presenting. Probably because the other student presenters were speaking on behalf of groups. But it was like a weird glimpse into my future--seeing my name with all the titles behind it. Sure, the titles/credentials are in process now, but those credentials will be there from now on! We received really great feedback from the Kenyan professionals which was awesome.

Here we are manning the registration desk.

These were our student presenters. We were divided into groups pertaining to the type of work our NGOs (where we did our internships) practice.

I was able to officially close the conference with my thank you speech and it was awesome to know that the entire program ended at that same moment! I made sure I finished and turned in all my papers beforehand so that I could revel in that moment!

We had a celebration dinner afterwards. I'm now all packed and ready for vacation.

Oh, and now that I have some time to mess around, I took a Myers Brigg online personality test. Apparently this time around I am an ENFP. I think the first time I took this test was back in highschool. The only thing that has NOT changed is the E! (which means extraverted). When I took it a few years ago though, I remember that it had changed closer to what it is now. Maturing perhaps? Dunno, but the description did seem to fit pretty well and some of those characteristics are things that I have learned!

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